
Build your website in 1 day

In 1 day you will have your own professional website online






You are a true professional and want to be in control. This is why you want to build your website yourself. You do not have much time and you like to keep things simple. And when it’s done, you want to fit the maintenance of your website easily in your daily schedule.

You are a perfectionist and you want your website to be as professional as you are, but you just don’t know where to start.

Sound familiar?

Than this workshop is for you!

a unique & stylish

Professional website

No waste of time

We guide you through the preparation so your website will be online when you go home

Professional look

Your website will look professional and will be a great representation of you and your company

Live guidance

We will look over your shoulder while you build it, supporting you all the way

Complete control

We teach you all you need to know to build and maintain your website

Online support

After the workshop you have access to our online support channel

Ready in 1 day


… walking out of the workshop and being in business already. You have your professional well designed website online and a matching email address.

We guide you through the preparation, so you will be completely ready for workshop day and you will be in a great working flow.

During the workshop we will be there to guide you through the working process step by step and when you are building your website we will look over your shoulder to support you in any way needed.

When the day is done, you will walk out of here proudly with your professional website online. Ready to present yourself and your business to the world.

And for the days that follow you can find us online to support you in maintaining your website.

Are you ready to join us?


Walk away with your professional website online

What’s included?


Full installation on our platform

Before the workshop we will make space on our servers for your website and we will install everything you need to run your WordPress website.

Free SSL Certificate

We will install a SSL certificate for you stating that your website is safe and secure to visit.

Free Premium Divi Theme

As long as you host with us, you can use the Divi theme worth € 227,- for free.

Free example designs

You can choose 1 out of 100 layout designs to get you started.

Free email addresses

Professional email addresses where your clients can reach you and your own webmailbox.


The basic how to's

Learn how to build up your website in easy to follow steps and how to make adjustments fast and easy.

User friendly layout

You want your visitors to instantly find what they came for. We teach you how to guide them through your website.


Learn how to find images, colors & fonts and how to make them suitable for your website.

Blog posts

Learn how to maintain a blog to get more organic traffic to your website.

Online support

Access to our online support channel, to guide you in all the changes you want to make in the future.

All in hosting

Full service hosting

You can keep your website hosted with us. We do all the technical stuff in the back-end, like back-ups, updates and software testing. We offer this service for € 15,- per month. You get it for free the first 2 years.

Some websites

Our clients make incredible websites with the tools from our workshops

Upcoming Workshops

April, 19th 2020

Your investment

€ 197,-

Online workshop

This workshop will be held online, so you can follow from your home or your vacation address.

Linda de Pagter

Your instructor

Let’s connect!

Call us on +31625093274 or let us call you back

Leave us your name and your number. Tell us what time suits you best and we will call you back. We can discuss your website wishes and see what we can do for you. 

Are we connected on social media yet?