Nice to meet you

We are passionate about people and their talents, especially creative minds

We are here to help you get online and share your gifts with the world






Hey there

My name is Linda

Since May 2018 I am travelling through Europe with my family in a mobile home. I was planning on lifting my health coaching business online. And when I was doing that, I noticed that I really liked working on my website. So I decided to start building websites for others too.

Before I started working as a yoga teacher and health coach, I had been working in the IT business for over 20 years. From developer to project manager and everything in between.

What I liked most was designing and building websites and I still do. So I followed my passion and I am helping people with beautiful businesses present themselves online.

What may I help you with?

Meet the rest of the team

Thank goodness there are more devoted people on the planet with a passion for helping others building there websites and online business. And I believe that I found the best of the best to work in my team.



Design goddess



Design goddess



Design goddess

Our mission is to make you shine online

How we work


Let's talk

Instead of doing everything online, we start working on your online business by having a good old chat. We can help you best if we can get to know you and understand what your business is about.


Let's Prepare

When you start working on your website, you will be happy to know there is guidance available. Before you start, we offer you our free start up package to be well prepared for building your site.

Let's build

When the preperation of your website is complete, we will start to build your website. This can be done in  a very short time. Depending on your choices your website can be online in 1 day.

What our clients say

I preferred to do everything myself, like I did my website. Simply because I rarely met anyone that understood me or felt what I wanted. Until I met Linda. Not only did she feel me perfectly, she was also capable of turning my vision into a magnificent and perfect functioning website. I did not know people like this existed. Linda you are fabulous.

Gerrit de Haan

Uptime Sense

Thanks to the angels of DNT I have an amazing cool website that I can change the way I want to. Really anything is possible with their website packs. This is for everyone who needs a website. You only pay a small monthly fee. For me as a picture thinker, this is heaven. I can adjust and change anything I want whenever I want and that is great while my services change in this new time. What a joy!

Desiree Groen

Met Hand en Ziel

My website is wearing a ball gown after Linda worked on it. I am getting compliments all the time. It looks smooth and it is very clear. I am really proud of it.

Especially cool is the feature that I get an instant message when people sign up for one of my lessons. Awesome! Thank you Linda!

Sandra Molina Mesas

Zumba Meppel

Let’s connect!

Call us on +31625093274 or let us call you back

Leave us your name and your number. Tell us what time suits you best and we will call you back. We can discuss your website wishes and see what we can do for you. 

Are we connected on social media yet?